Les hommes ont oublié cette vérité. Mais tu ne dois pas l'oublier, dit le renard. Tu deviens responsable pour toujours de ce que tu as apprivoisé.
Le Petit Prince, chap. 21

Monday 4 July 2016

Characterizing clinics involved in controlling stray cats

D'Ávila, A. M. E. D. (2016). Caracterização dos Centros de Atendimento Médico-Veterinários no Concelho de Lisboa que participam no controlo da população de gatos errantes e assilvestrados. Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias. Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária

The presence of stray and feral cats in urban areas often leads to situations of overpopulation whereby the control of reproduction has proven to be a priority element in solving this problem. The primary goal of this study was to characterize the clinics in the Lisbon area in controlling the population of stray cats and to determine their impact on reducing the number of animals. To accomplish this, it has been developed a questionnaire submitted to clinical directors. Of the 44 participants, it was found that 52% participates in population control programs. The secondary goals were to evaluate protocols applied in relation to neutering and it was verified that most procedures performed in these cases follow the recommendations made by the specialized agencies, including the type of surgery (95,6% neuter and 100% spay), preanesthetic protocols, performing surgeries in pregnant cats (91,3% perform against 8,7% that does not perform), the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (91% use them against 9% that does not use them), the use of fluidtherapy (65% use it against 35% that does not use it), the location of the postoperative period, the FIV-FeLV testing (78,26% does not test against 21,74% that does test) and the practice of left ear-cutting (86,96% cut against 13,04% that does not cut). On the contrary, performing sterilization on pre-pubertal cats is not followed (only 21,7% on males and 34,8% on females neuter before 6 months of age) and the use of antibiotics by the clinical staff is considered excessive (91% use them against 9% that does not use them) to the recommended parameters. In addition, using likelihood ratios established in the literature, it was also determined that the 2538 surgeries performed annually by this sample, prevent the birth of 6396 kittens and the wandering of 1599 cats, demonstrating the important role of clinics in fighting overpopulation of stray cats in Lisbon.

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