Les hommes ont oublié cette vérité. Mais tu ne dois pas l'oublier, dit le renard. Tu deviens responsable pour toujours de ce que tu as apprivoisé.
Le Petit Prince, chap. 21

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Stray dog control and zoonotic disease prevention in Grenada

Marisa, D., Cotran, E. K., Bidaisee, S., & Keku, E. O. (2016). The Effectivenessof Stray Dog Control and Zoonotic Disease Prevention in Global Health: An One Health Approach from Grenada. J Translational Diagn Technol, 1(1), 1-6.

Introduction: CranThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of stray dog control and disease prevention in Grenada by using a one health approach and address the associated global health implications.
Methods: A review of stray dog policy in Grenada, descriptive statistics analysis and interviews were conducted. World Organization for Animal Health’s and Grenada Dogs Registration and Control Act were reviewed. Quantitative data from 2008-2012 on registration, vaccinations, number of dog complaints filed and outcome of dog captures. Retrospective, oneon-one interviews with 14 stakeholders from three groups identified as being directly associated with the stray dog prevention
and control were performed.
Results: The Grenada Dogs Registration and Control Act provided an adequate framework for stray dog control. There was a decrease in the number of dogs registered and vaccinated and a steady increase in dogs captured and related complaints. Interview data suggested that community education, dog ownership, non-governmental organization involvement, and Grenada’s Stray Dog Control Program (SDCP) responsibility are needed to strengthen stray dog control programs and
disease prevention.
Discussion: Expansion of SDCP services is needed to reduce free-roaming dogs and disease risk to humans. A positive response from program users suggested that the SDCP is well-received by the community. Integration among stakeholders and increased access to the program's services in rural communities is needed. These findings have implication for further policy development to reduce global health risks associated with zoonotic diseases found in stray dogs.

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